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Spring Into Health

My Healthy Life Begins with Keeping Animals Off My Plate

When you look at this photo, do you automatically think FOOD?

Do you begin to salivate over the prospect of cooking up these babies and putting them into your stomach?

Did that statement make you scoff or giggle?

Why is it that we look at baby animals and think of them as cute and cuddly, but have no problem eating them when they are fattened up and filled with antibiotics, steroids, and growth hormones?

We make decisions daily by choosing food that is either healthy for us or harmful to us. Food influences everything. The better you feed yourself, the better you feel.

Unfortunately, so much of what is available to us today in terms of nutrition, is not really even considered “food”. It’s not healthy, it is not nourishing, and a lot of it is not real.

My Balanced Life…Begins with Respecting My Body

What you put into your body determines not only your happiness but your energy levels and cravings.

Fueling yourself with wholesome, nourishing goodness is going to support  you in living your biggest, best, and fullest life possible.

If you eat junk you are going to feel like junk. It’s that simple!

I help my clients get in touch with their body and really understand what their body needs. Everyone is different; it’s important you know and listen to your body.