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It’s Not About Restrictions

Think about all the foods you can eat

Just because I don’t eat animals or their products, doesn’t mean that I feel restricted/deprived; in fact, quite the opposite is true.

People always ask me, “Don’t you miss cheese?”, “Wouldn’t you like a good burger?”, “Isn’t Sunday Brunch better with bacon and eggs?”

There was a time when I would answer YES to all of these questions, a time when I wouldn’t think twice about the dairy, cattle, pork, and egg industry. But now, that is all I think about.

Once I learned about the horror that goes on in the slaughterhouses which provide 98% of the animal products to our supermarkets, there was no “restriction”, deprivation, or missing eating animals.

Take 13 minutes to watch & see what I mean:

(click on photo for video)

So you see: it is not about restrictions, it is about creating healthy habits that honor, respect, and appreciate life; it is about making good choices that are good for your body and good for the animals; it is about rethinking what we have been told and redefining what is important.