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Fabulous Facts about Fiber!

My Healthy Life includes 40 grams of FIBER each day

Most people don’t like to think about fiber, let alone read or talk about it. But that doesn’t mean we should ignore the important role fiber plays in our health.

Fiber is Fabulous for:
*carrying out toxic waste from the body*
*eliminating excess hormones from the body*
*maintaining normal bowel function*
*reducing cholesterol*
*controlling our appetite*
*decreasing our risk of disease*

Where can you find Fabulous Fiber?

~Can you find Fiber in animal foods?
~Can you find Cholesterol in animal foods?
~Can you find Fiber in plant foods?
~Can you find Cholesterol in plant foods?


Adopting a whole foods, plant-based approach to your eating, will ensure you are: eliminating cholesterol found only in animal products, and encourage you to include a wide variety of fiber-full options found only in plants, namely: greens, beans, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

There are two types of dietary fiber and both are needed for a healthy approach (most higher-fiber foods include both types).

Insoluble Fiber: acts like a scrub brush to promote bowel regularity and prevent constipation. It helps maintain weight or curb weight gain as it fills the tummy and sustains you longer between meals. It is found in whole grain breads and cereals, barley, brown rice, couscous, bulgur, wheat bran, seeds, fruits, and most vegetables.

Soluble Fiber: helps the body detox by reducing blood cholesterol and controlling blood sugar levels. It is found in fruits (strawberries, blueberries, pears, apples, citrus), vegetables, legumes, lentils, oat bran, oatmeal, barley, nuts, seeds, dry beans, peas, psyllium.

Click on the image to receive your Top 55 High-Fiber Foods Shopper’s Guide!