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10 Tips for Finding Your Joy

My Healthy Life Begins with Gratitude for Nature

Yes, that is ME in the middle, with the ponytail, at 49 years old!

I love the ocean, the sand, the tide, and the breeze. I love to breathe deeply and inhale the salty scent of the water. I love the feeling of being one with nature. I love to slow down and touch the ground. I love to jump up and feel the joy of reaching new heights, taking in all that nature has to offer.

In each of our busy lives, one thing is for sure: we could all benefit from slowing down, breathing deeply, smiling more, and appreciating the beauty of nature that surrounds us.

Whether you live in a hot or cold climate, a house or an apartment, alone or with others, it can be easy to lose sight of the little things in life that bring a smile to the heart ~ these are the things that really matter.

Socrates wrote: “Beware the barrenness of a busy life.”

With this in mind, I encourage you to find what you love in nature and schedule the time into your day to find your joy. Make sure you schedule a moment each and every day, until it becomes second-nature and you no longer think abut “scheduling time in” ~ it becomes as natural as breathing.

Here are 10 Tips for Finding Your Joy:
1. Express your uniqueness daily
2. Make time for brief moments of solitude
3. Reconnect to a childhood passion
4. Write down 3 things that you truly value
5. Go easy on the pressure
6. Take in nature
7. Find your mantra
8. Support someone else in self-expression
9. Create art
10. Remind yourself how important this is

Start small to begin, and pick one that really resonates with you. Once you have made that one change a part of your life, pick another and add that to your lifestyles. You will soon find an enrichment and fulfillment and joy that enhances your spirit.

Now is a great time to begin; find your joy, identify what appeals to you, make it a part of your daily life, and begin to live the life you were really meant to live.