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Balance Healthy Gut Bacteria!

Fermented foods feed a healthy gut so your digestive system and your immune system can flourish.

According to Pyramid Farm & Ferments, Lacto-fermentation is the natural process in which lacto bacili convert starches and sugars present in vegetable matter, into lactic acid. Lacto bacili are a beneficial bacteria that naturally preserve food and directly supply your digestive tract with important living cultures of microflora and bacteria that are essential to digestion and nutrient absorption.

My favorite fermented foods are:


Gut Shots:


  • I like to enjoy a Gut Shot first thing in the morning on its own, or blended with my morning smoothie.
  • I like to enjoy Sauerkraut between meals or as a side-dish along with a meal.
  • I like to enjoy Kombucha when I’m thirsty for something other than water.

Click here to learn to make your own Sauerkraut

Click here to learn more about Pyramid Farm & Ferments